Quetta: Strict implementation of Acid Control Law was urged in a seminar held in Quetta, on Friday.
A one day awareness seminar was conducted on Criminal Law amendment bill 2011 (Acid Control and Crime Bill 2010) by We the Humans in office of Health and Nutrition Society (HnNuts).
Oscar award winning documentary “Saving Face” was screened in the seminar to sensitize the participants about the acid throwing and the need to have a robust mechanism in place to counter it.

Jalila Haider advocate, CEO of We the Humans, delivered a presentation on Criminal Law amendment bill 2011 (Acid Control and Crime Bill 2010) and explained its technicalities to the participants of the seminar.
“When face of a woman is disfigured by Acid throwing then it tantamount to disfiguring the entire society,” said Miss Haider during her presentation.
CEO of We the Human further added that aim of the seminar is to spread awareness and give an idea on what should be done to discourage these inhuman acts and support rule of law in the country with the contribution of every responsible citizen.
Advocate Qamar-un-Nisa delivered a presentation on practical implementations of the said bill. She urged the participants to spread the information about Acid Throwing control law which they have learnt in the seminar.
Civil Society members attending the seminar gave their input on how to make the acid control law more effective and source of deterrence.
Sami Zarkoon, Convener of Civil Society Balochistan, who acted as the moderator of the seminar urged civil society members to spread awareness about acid throwing prevention in society.
“Its duty of the state to tackle the problem of acid throwing and civil society alone can’t do anything to curb it,” said Shams ul Mulk a Human Rights Activist.
Afzal Sulheri, Director Youth Affairs, delivered the concluding remarks for the seminar.
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