Historical Eid Festival of Gwadar was held at Koh-e-Batil, on Thursday. Thousands of people not only from distant parts of Gwadar district but also from Kech district attended the Festival.
Koh-e-Batil which is 15-20 KM in width and 1-6 KM in Length is situated near the coast of Gwadar.

Festival was attended by MPA Hammal Kalmati, Chairman Municipal Committee Abid Sohrabi and Deputy Commissioner (DC) Tufail Baloch. Artists from Gwadar and also from Karachi took part in the festival.
Eid Festival is celebrated every year on second days of both Eids where thousands of people come to enjoy the festivities.
Historical Festival of Gwadar was started by Ameer Jiand Kalmati in 15th century and since then it’s celebrated almost regularly.
In old times people used to reach Koh-e-Batil on camels, horses, donkeys and by foot. Whereas, today they reach the Koh-e-Btail easily using their vehicles and motor cycles, due to advancement in technology.
People fear that in future Koh-e-Batil might be closed down for the public as a recreational site due to increasing security arrangements
People of Gwadar appreciate the development of Gwadar city but they also remember the days when they could reach Koh-e-Batil without being stopped at any security check points.
People fear that in future Koh-e-Batil might be closed down for the public as a recreational site due to increasing security arrangements.
Fishermen have been prohibited from going in sea from East bay for fish hunting due to VIP movement. Now, they fear that they might lose the historical and cultural heritage of Koh-e-Batil in the name of security.
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