Quetta: A dialogue on Balochistan literacy Issues, challenges and measures was held in Quetta Press Club to commemorate International Literacy Day, on Thursday.
Seminar was held under the auspices of Azat Foundation, BECS, NCHD, and HANDS Balochistan.
8th September is observed as International Literary Day every year.
Munir Badini, former secretary education Balochistan, said while addressing the dialogue that Government alone can’t promote education in Balochistan and it needs the support of private sector. “We are thankful to the private sector organizations that sponsor us to promote education,” he said.
Mr. Badini advised that Mother language is compulsory for Education. Local lady teachers and co-education should be adopted to improve literacy.
Barkat Shah Kakar, Professor of Pashto Department in University of Balochistan, said that poverty also impacts literacy. “Literacy is not only education but complete knowledge about nature, music, culture, tradition, religion. It is a source that takes nation towards development,” he said.

Speaking at the occasion, Zahid Mengal, Executive Director of Azat Foundation said that dismal literacy rate is a big problem which is caused by no access to educational institutions. He added “teachers need training about modern techniques of education to improve literacy.”
Dr. Qudrat Ul Ain Bakhtari, founding Director of IDSP, argued that those who snatch rights of the people can never help in improvement of education in Balochistan. She added that mothers of Balochistan have courage and talent to deal with different problems and maintain prominent financial budget for their families.
Qaiser Jamali, representative from UNESCO, claimed that Educational funds increase in Balochistan but there was no improvement in capacity of education sector. He advised “Education department must conduct training sessions to build capacity. New ideas and innovative thinking is compulsory to improve education in Balochistan.”
Gul Khan Naseer Baloch Head of Programmes Azat Foundation Balochistan delivered vote of thanks for participants at the ending session.
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