Tariq Jamaldini
Kurdish is the language spoken by the Kurd nation who dwells in Middle East. It has been said by many people that Baloch and Kurd are historically and culturally related. However, very few people know that there are stark similarities between Balochi and Kurdish languages.
Following are few words in Kurdish language which are also used in Balochi language with the same meanings:
Kurdish Balochi English
Mn mn Me,I
Chonit chonit How are You?
Jwan Jwan Nice/pretty
Wala Wala I swear to God
Ka Ka Who
I Mun Me
Chi Chi What
Na Na Not
Yak Yak one
DO Do Two
Sai Sai Three
Char Char Four
Mezan Mezan Big
Gran Gran Heavy
Thenak Thenak Thin
Mard Mard Husband
Mar Mar snake
Kirm kirm Worm
Ghost Ghost Meat
Dil Dil heart
Khust Khust To kill
Muj Muj Fog
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