Gohram Rind
Today we live in a materialistic world where everyone uses tricks just to cross one another and in such a world finding someone who lives for humanity, lives for others and having no ambitions to earn dollars, build fence houses and travel in comfortable cars, isn’t less than a miracle? Since now the modernization has vanished love for humans and humanity. Now one can only hear the sad melodies of humanity from very far. And for sure finding Chakar Rind around us isn’t less than any miracle, as he was the true picture of humanity and selflessness.

Shaheed Advocate Chakar Rind was a man who lived for others. An honest and owner of a sober character, He never thought about his own self. Shaheed Chakar Rind never had a single desire for his own self. He only served the humanity. He used to be the Central Committee (CC) member of BSO during his student life. Politics was mixed in his blood with committed principles. Moreover, when his party was no more ruling none could find any feeling of regarding or worrying for he was always satisfied with his life; never had any complain but a smile on his innocent face.as party did nothing for him when it was ruling. He was offered to join other parties but he remained faithful to his party.
Read also: The story of two former Baloch nationalists who were among the lawyers killed in Quetta bombing
Whenever I met him I kept asking him, why he doesn’t think about his own self, but I always failed to understand his philosophy. He just kept thinking about others. He kept demanding lands for those poor whom were affected by the flood of June 2007. He always raised his voice for oppressed people. He wasn’t liked by his party because he never compromised on is principles. Although he was not politically supported by anyone nor he was rich but he never took his steps back to help poor.
Then very soon reached darkest as well as hardest day of my life – the day which left a sea of sorrow for me – the day my soul departed, the day when Quetta turned Red.
8 August 2016 was worst day of my life. While sleeping around 9:45 AM I received a call, asking me if I was aware about the deadly attack on lawyers in civil hospital, which kept me in a shock having the fear in heart I replied to him, with trembling hands dry throat losing my sense. I began to make calls but my bad luck I couldn’t contact Chakar, after my several attempts someone picked his call, asking me whether I was a beloved of Chakar.
It’s just hard to portray my feelings, hearing someone else, and a stranger from his phone.
Thus, I was told that the victims of attack have been shifted to CMH hospital.
The fear of losing him the fear of his condition was ruling on my heart and mind. Just like a crazy I made way to CMH. Dishearteningly, I had no way to enter, in ward but due to one friend I entered the ward.
Physical death kills those who lives for themselves and not those who live for others
Controlling all my feelings of fear and worry I started searching him in all wards. How hard it is being disappointed from each ward and not finding him, I was feeling a burden on my body, pain in eyes, showering lips and losing the strength of my feet. I just found him lying on bed. I entered, I went close to him telling that “I am Gohram” and he only could say “Han Gohram” his last words to me. I asked him that how was he, was he fine??
He only could say no And He Reached the moment that everything paused the wind, the shores of sea, time and everything stopped.
Thus he left us forever. I can never forget the moment my soul was before me and I couldn’t do anything for him. Though He embraced the death, He is alive forever. As the physical death kills those who lives for themselves but He was a great man who lived others and death can never kill such great man.
Chakar you are my pride, but Alas! I couldn’t do anything for you.
However, I write what I feel but I have just depicted my feelings on a blank page you the readers are the deciders whether he was so or I have just pen downed my feelings. I have only portrayed my emotions but you can better decide and you better know that he was a diamond who we lost.
Soon we are going to establish Chakar Rind (CKR) foundation to prolong his humanitarian legacy. But I will always have this feeling of regret that I couldn’t do anything for him.
Chakar you are my pride, but Alas! I couldn’t do anything for you.
Writer is Younger brother of Chakar Rind who lost his life in Civil Hospital Blast on 8th August.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article are those of the author and Balochistan Voices not necessarily agrees with them.
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