Letter: Afghan Refugees and Census

After a decade it was decided to hold census in the entire country on 15th March 2017. Unfortunately, there is a major quantity of refugees in Pakistan which are obstacle in the way of conducting census.
According to a statement 4 million Afghan refugees are residents of Pakistan. It is estimate that huge number of them are residing in Balochistan.
According a survey in 2011 the estimated population of Balochistan was 13,162,222. But due to tense situation of Balochistan many from them migrated to different parts of Pakistan.
However, some parties are struggling to register them as basic citizens. Simultaneously, registering them as basic residence is the struggle of changing Baloch majority into minority.
There is no denying the fact that same refugees are indulged in various crimes such as terrorism and many other. If the will be given the status of citizen, then we have to confront Many hurdles.
Our Federal government must be awaken about this phenomenon. Before going to conduct census Government should find a solution for the settlement of refugees during census. Otherwise in the presence of refugees it is unacceptable and impossible.
Gulab Meer – Kech
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