Letter: Honor killings in Balochistan

In the patriarchal society of Balochistan there is no dignified room for a woman. In the recent few weeks surge in the honor killing cases is horrifying. Recently the cases of honor killings were registered in Jhalmagsi and Nasirabad which are most underprivileged and backward districts of Balochistan.
The report of NGO working in Balochistan for woman empowerment depicted the gut wrenching revelations that about 76 women braved violence in 2016 in which 36 women mostly teen age girls lost lives in the notorious saga of honor killings in Balochistan.
After the assassination of famous model Qadeel Baloch in the name of honor, a bill was unanimously passed in National Assembly against the honor killing. In which government pledged zero tolerance for the convicts. The appalling number of eye soaring incidents of honor killing evinces that the bill is still far away from implementation and practice. The effective way to reduce the incidence of honor killing is that we should emancipate women from shackles of catastrophic and nonexistent traditions. Education is the only tool by which women could recognize their legitimate rights.
Therefore, I humbly request the government of Balochistan to outset a campaign in every district in order curb the menace of honor killings.
Inzamam Qasim Silachi – Sibi
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